SM 146cm curly hair sex doll Elemis

SM Doll

 Her hair is like autumn wheat. The golden hair makes people very kind at first sight, and she wants to get close to this harvest girl. She is a little shy, maybe she doesn't get along with people very much, or she is very embarrassed. She likes to walk alone on the country roads. She likes the wild flowers on the roadside and the running deer. The hustle and bustle of the city cannot make her happy. She hopes to live in nature all the time.


  • Height: 4 ft 10 in. / 146 cm.
  • Weight: 62 lbs. / 28 kg.
  • Upper Breast: 28.7 in. / 73 cm.
  • Lower Breast: 20.5 in. / 52 cm.
  • Waist: 17.7 in. / 45 cm.
  • Hips: 30.3 in. / 77 cm.
  • Shoulder Width: 12.2 in. / 31 cm.
  • Thigh Length: 13 in. / 33 cm.
  • Calf Length: 16.5 in. / 42 cm.
  • Foot Length: 8.7 in. / 22 cm.
  • Thigh Circumference: 44 cm.
  • Calf Circumference: 27 cm.
  • Vaginal Depth: 6.7 in. / 17 cm.
  • Anal Depth: 5.9 in. / 15 cm.
  • Oral Depth: 5.1 in. / 13 cm.
  • Material: TPE with a Metal Skeleton.